In the CrazyBird Podcast, Wioleta Kaminska shares her fascination with nature, art and creativity. Join her and her guests as they explore an array of stories that reveal deep connections between culture, nature and creative process. Funny, educational, and thought-provoking, we hope you find insight and stillness as you accompany us.
Our Team

Wioleta Kaminska (Bird in Chief) is a media artist, interdisciplinary designer, linguist and educator focused on visual and audio storytelling. She is interested in a visual and auditory exploration of seemingly mundane and uneventful environments. Places where time seems to be passing slowly and, yet, where steady and constant change takes place. Birds are a big part of that process and Wioleta’s life in general, and they often make their way to Wioleta’s meditative video landscapes. Both in her media art and in the CrazyBird Podcast Wioleta’s goal is to capture moments that intrigue and encourage a viewer and listener to find some time for contemplation and reflection. Moments, she believes, we all need to live a healthy and balanced life.
The Consultant (Juvenile Barred Owl aka The Kid) is a true inspiration behind The CrazyBird name and its logo. Wioleta got acquainted with The Kid on one of her early evening walks in Savannah, GA in 2020 and had a privilege to admire and watch the young owl grow and thrive. It is also during those walks that Wioleta met fascinating people who share her passion for nature, creativity and good storytelling. Some of them have already been the CrazyBird’s guests. It is fair to say that it is really The Consultant that runs the show.
Do you have an interesting story to share? Do you have any questions or inquiries? Or maybe, you want to tell us how much you enjoyed our show:) We would love to hear from you! Drop us a line at [email protected].